Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction

There can be many different causes of erectile dysfunction. Studies show that most problems with potency in young males are psychogenic. In mature men, on the other hands, the problems are rather purely physiological. The most common causes of erectile dysfunction include:

  • bad diet and lack of exercise (if you want to take care of your blood vessels, you need to restrict fatty foods and eat more fruit and vegetables instead, as well as avoid alcohol in large amounts),
  • smoking (even one pack of cigarettes a day may raise the risk of potency problems by 75%. Toxic substances contained in cigarettes attack the reproductive system, limiting the amount of sperm produced and reducing the volume of blood vessels at the same time),
  • using steroids (steroid drugs are prescribed by doctors in cases of hormone deficiency. Using them without any supervision may lead to the retardation of the “hypothalamus–pituitary gland–adrenal glands–testicles” scheme, reducing the production of testosterone at the same time. This may easily end in problems with erection),
  • stress and exhaustion (spending dozen or so hours at work requiring constant focus and concentration may effectively reduce your desire for intimacy with your partner in the evening. Physical and mental exhaustion occurs, which may lead not only to erectile dysfunction, but also depression),
  • cardiac problems (erection is closely related to the condition of your heart.  If atherosclerotic plaque develops in your blood vessels, the diameter of the vessels becomes reduced, which leaves less room for the blood. Potency problems are the natural consequence of such a condition). 

Erectile dysfunction in young men

Problems with erection affect young males more rarely than the older ones and out of different reasons. Low testosterone is not an issue here, but the cause lies mostly in the mental condition as well as nervous system and hormonal disorders. Stress at work, chronic mental exhaustion, pressure exerted by a superior, conflicts in the relationship, or a loss of a close person may constitute a considerable burden on a young man. Sometimes problems with erection are caused by: depression, neuroses, and dependence on alcohol or other narcotics.

Erectile dysfunction after the age of 40

On the other hand, when the patient is 40 or over, erectile dysfunction is most frequently caused by the natural aging of the body and a lower level of testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). Inevitable changes, however, develop much faster if a man does not take care of his health, prefers a sedentary lifestyle and an unhealthy diet.

At this age, sexual life is heavily influenced by systemic diseases and medications taken (e.g. epilepsy drugs, arrhythmia drugs, neuroleptics, antiemetics, medications for incontinence). Problems with erection at the age of 40 are very common in patients suffering from:

  • diabetes,
  • arterial hypertension,
  • nervous system diseases,
  • reproductive system diseases,
  • endocrinological disorders,
  • renal insufficiency and other urinary system diseases,
  • depression and neuroses.

To sum up – problems with erection affect a considerable number of men. The basic step to solving the problem is the willingness to take up treatment with the support of the partner. Small changes in everyday habits and an honest conversation with a psychologist often turn out to be helpful and improve the sexual condition. 

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